What’s The Deal With Canton, Texas?

At first glance this quaint town in East Texas may not seem like much.  With a population just over 4,000 there’s not a whole lot of activity going on.  However, during the first weekend of every month beginning 150 years ago, those looking for food to stock up on, goods to trade or to even…

It’s been a while….did I lose inspiration?

  Yes, it’s been a while indeed.  So where did the inspiration go exactly?  Nearly two years since my last post and even then, I wasn’t posting as often and consistently as I should have – so there’s that.  Did I in fact lose inspiration?  Yes and no.  The desire to get this blog off…

What a year it’s been…

Bittersweet is one of my favorite terms.  I’ve thought about it a bit and it’s a fitting expression for life, it’s all encompassing, it’s evident everyday.  Most of all…without the bitter there is no sweet.  There would be no contrast.  After taking an unintentional year off from posting I thought it may be time to…

Be Thankful!

  Be Thankful! No matter what any of us are going through during this time in history, be thankful. Be thankful for family, for friends, for a wonderful meal, a roof over your head and clothes on your back. Be thankful for the opportunity to experience this life with all of its hardships and all…

Montana’s Capitol Building Sets Itself Apart!

Although I have found all of the capitol buildings that we have visited so far to be pretty incredible in their own way, the capitol building in Helena, Montana stands out to me in one particular way…it’s vibrant colors. The architecture is one thing but when you combine it with this use of beautiful color,…