What is life without ambition or goals or purpose?  I find myself contemplating this question quite often it seems.  I think about daily routines people have as individuals, as families and as societies.  We wake up and start our day, tend to the children, head off to work with the millions of others, grind away for eight plus hours, head home through the traffic once again, relax for a bit, have a meal and conk out for the night only to start it all over the next day.  Now clearly there isn’t anything inherently wrong with this lifestyle.  As a matter of fact I would say that this lifestyle is what keeps the world going.  Fair enough.  But I truly believe that as humans we have a much larger purpose to fulfill while we are here, and it’s tasked to us to find out what that is “before we meet our demise, pass on, cease to be, expire, gone to see our maker, become a “late” human, a stiff, bereft of life, before we rest in peace, pushing up the daisies, or run down the curtain and join the choir invisible, and become and “ex-person…”

  1. What are you ambitiously working toward?
  2. What are your goals?
  3. What is your purpose?

Don’t live a life on autopilot.  You only get one.  Make your life the life you want.