Be Thankful!

No matter what any of us are going through during this time in history, be thankful. Be thankful for family, for friends, for a wonderful meal, a roof over your head and clothes on your back. Be thankful for the opportunity to experience this life with all of its hardships and all of its beauty.

It’s very easy to take things for granted these days.  At least in this country we have nearly everything at our fingertips.  Entertainment, food, transportation and a host of other indulgences.

Too Much Noise.

I’m often guilty of losing sight of the really important things in life.  I get caught up in the mundane, trivial noise that surrounds us all.  It takes work to silence that noise.  What can you do to stay grounded and full of gratitude?  Note the things you are grateful for.  Start with the big stuff – family, a house, a car.  How about your health, food and clean water.  What about your job?  A way to make money?

No matter how bad you think you may have it, be grateful.  There is nearly eight billion people on this planet, I think it’s safe to say that a few billion of those people would gladly trade their situation for yours.

Slow Down.

Take that walk. Watch the sun rise. Nothing is permanent so embrace it all. Enjoy this life my friends. You only get one.