Bittersweet is one of my favorite terms.  I’ve thought about it a bit and it’s a fitting expression for life, it’s all encompassing, it’s evident everyday.  Most of all…without the bitter there is no sweet.  There would be no contrast. 

After taking an unintentional year off from posting I thought it may be time to get back at it. I was kinda stuck on what I wanted to write about and what I wanted to do with this blog.

I’ve Been Everywhere Man!

We’ve been all over the place since our last post. After making it through the deep freeze in Texas, we headed east once things thawed out.  Arkansas, Tennessee, Georgia and down to Florida.  Just in time for that Florida heat.  I mean the “punch in the face, living on the surface of the sun” type of heat…and we were there for Michelle’s Color Street conference as well.

After exploring the Sunshine State a bit we headed north. Our first experience on the east coast was underway. The humidity was brutal to say the least.  However we managed to keep the complaints and passing out to a minimum.

West Virginia was our first destination. We had plans to stay at our friends house for a couple of weeks to hang out, relax and recharge after a few months on the road. All went well until our refrigerator decided to just stop working. In the middle of South Carolina…in the middle of summer.

The Northeast was next. Niagara Falls for Michelle’s birthday. Across New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, down to Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut. We weren’t sure if it was going to happen but we did make it to Liberty Island and the Statue of Liberty. It was an incredible experience to say the least. From there it was west and back toward West Virginia once again with stops in New Jersey, Philadelphia, Hershey, Harrisburg and Gettysburg, PA.

Situated in the woods of West Virginia, I sit currently writing this post at our friends house, relaxing after a filling Thanksgiving feast. Tomorrow we head south, making our way to our winter home in Florida.

Thank You!

I am thankful for this time we get to spend as a family, for the memories we get to make, for my adventurous wife, for our amazing children and I am thankful for new friends and this extraordinary country that I get to explore and call home.

This type of life can be bittersweet, especially when having to say goodbye.  But this is our life, and I am thankful for it.