Yes, it’s been a while indeed.  So where did the inspiration go exactly?  Nearly two years since my last post and even then, I wasn’t posting as often and consistently as I should have – so there’s that.  Did I in fact lose inspiration?  Yes and no.  The desire to get this blog off the ground has always stuck with me, it just hasn’t been easy to fan that flame and turn this into what it could be.  I admire what others have done in this space, specifically in the area of full-time travel.  I love to see what others are accomplishing within this community.  Where they are traveling, who they are meeting and how they are living a full and meaningful life full of experiences and adventures.

Where did the inspiration go?

Life distractions, responsibilities and changes with our travel life played a part in me not wanting to sit down at the computer I suppose.  Being disciplined enough to sit down and get words written wasn’t taking priority.  When it comes to manual labor type work, I have a much easier time getting things done.  Perhaps it’s because of the relative immediate gratification that comes with that type of work.

When the roof of our trailer needed to be replaced due to water damage, I was all about it.  Research, plan, purchase materials and I’m on my way.  It would take about five days or so and then I was done, no problems and it turned out better than if I would have paid someone else to do it.  Installing a solar panel kit on the trailer…done and done.  I’m convinced I can see these projects through quickly because I can easily see the light at the end of the tunnel even before I start.  I can visualize it being complete.  I’m fairly certain I know what I’m going to get.

When it comes to long term projects like this it’s difficult to wrap my head around it.  Where is this going?  Am I wasting my time?  Is this even worth it?  From those thoughts that pop in my head you may be able to tell that I have a tendency to sabotage myself and my momentum.

What do we do now?

Ultimately, I would like to turn this blog into a source of income, perhaps a primary source eventually.  Is that even possible?  I’ve seen others do it so I know that it can be done.  What does that take?  Going back to school is what it will take.  Not literally going back to a building with teachers of course, but it will take studying, researching, reading and the dreaded….DISCIPLINE.

Aren’t I too old to go back to “school“…?  Of course not.  I should know better than to even consider that.  I make it a point to regularly remind our kids that education is a lifelong pursuit.  I try to inspire them to be curious and find the desire to learn new things.  Am I always successful?  Nope, but that won’t stop me from drilling that mantra into their brains.

Emphasizing the importance of gaining knowledge will always be a part of our household.  Knowledge to not just navigate life but to feed that innate desire we all have to understand the world around us and the desire to accomplish our goals.  If we dig in, have patience and determination and have, yes, the ever so important – discipline – we can accomplish amazing things.

What is something that you want to try?  What is something that you’ve always wanted to accomplish?  What do you think is holding you back from doing it or simply starting?

Make a list!

Take a moment and reflect on those things.  Write them down.  Don’t jump in and try to start checking them off the list, just write them down.  And I’m not talking about a to-do list of chores, I’ll save that for another time.  I’m talking about the fun things, the fanciful things, the things that sparked your imagination when you were young, before you had those dreams subdued and snuffed out by the boring grown up world.  Make a list and place it somewhere where you will see it all the time.  The bathroom mirror is a perfect place.

Pick up that guitar, start that business, go on that adventure.  Throw it all out there.

I try to remind myself of a quote when I’m feeling hesitant about starting something new.  I’m not sure where it came from, it was just one of those inspirational internet quotes…

“I would rather look back on my life and say ‘I can’t believe I did that’ instead of saying ‘I wish I did that.'”

I’ll tell ya, that hits me deep, because one day, that’ll be it.  There won’t be any more days.

However, that day is not today.  So let’s rock and roll.
