It’s a crazy time we’re living in for sure.  With this global pandemic looming over everyone, it’s now more important than ever to take care of yourself and your family.  This is an unprecedented time we are facing and because of that, when we get over this (and we will), we as individuals and as a society will have the great opportunity to make changes.  We will reflect upon all that we have witnessed and experienced that has flipped our world upside down.  We will question the many aspects that make up our life.  We will be taking an inventory on our place in our community and in the world.

One aspect of your life I want to encourage you evaluate is your financial life. Love it or hate it, we are all dependent on money.  However, the less dependent you become on the green backs the more freedom you will have.  The solution to being less dependent is as simple as getting rid of your debt…all of your debt…as fast as you can…and don’t look back.  Credit card debt, car loan debt, student loan debt, and yes, even mortgage debt all have to go.

This attitude about money and debt is the primary reason my family and I get to live the life we do.  Living in a house on wheels certainly isn’t for everyone, but it was what we wanted.  We took an inventory of our life, decided to make a plan for where we wanted to be and what we wanted to do and lived, and continue to live our lives, intentionally.  Even during this time of uncertainty, we are doing, relatively, just fine.  We have our vehicles paid off, our home on wheels is paid off, we have no outstanding debts and we work for ourselves.  Even though work has slowed for my wife and I, not much else has changed for us actually.  After kicking all of our debt to the curb we’ve been able to prepare for times like this.  You would be surprised how much money you can save if it’s not going to creditors.

It’s really not that difficult, but that switch has to flip for you to make the change.  You have to want it. It will take some time and some sacrifice, but trust me, it will all be worth it.