Be Thankful! No matter what any of us are going through during this time in history, be thankful. Be thankful for family, for friends, for a wonderful meal, a roof over your head and clothes on your back. Be thankful for the opportunity to experience this life with all of its hardships and all…
Homeschool?…Nope, Roadschool!
Michelle and I are coming up on our 6th year of homeschooling our children and we couldn’t be happier with our decision. It may have its ups and downs, good days and bad days but without a doubt we know we’ve made the right choice. And the transition to living on the road has been…
The Great Northern Carousel…And Ice Cream!
This is the kind of stuff that makes this life on the road awesome. Now if we lived in Helena permanently there is a good chance that an attraction like this would lose its magic. After a while it may just be referred to as the “carousel on the other end of town.” But for…