This is the place to be for insight and inspiration on outside the box living all while living inside a box.

What is Plan Live Inspire?

Plan Live Inspire is the culmination of everything my wife and I have been through up to this point.  It is the dissatisfaction with how things were going in our life.  It is a collection of open ended questions on what was next for us.  Now, it is what we have adopted as a path to live our life to the fullest on our own terms.

PLAN:  It is common sense to have a plan for your life, yet so many people go through life on auto pilot.  They don’t have a plan for what’s next.  They fit into that comfortable groove and coast along until, let’s say, the weekend comes along or that vacation pops up and they’re off to the beach.  Now there is nothing wrong with that choice, it was just wrong for us and it is wrong for many people who feel deep down that there has to be more to life.

Have you ever had a dream of starting your own business, learning to play an instrument, building a house or traveling the world?  That’s great!  I believe most people have dreams of accomplishing something great but fail to make the connection and take the steps to make them a reality.  This is where planning your future comes in.  What steps do you have to take to reach your goal?

LIVE:  This is the hardest part.  Living, in and of itself, is easy.  Just gotta eat, drink and breathe.  Living intentionally on the other hand is a whole new challenge.  Have you ever tried to start a new diet or workout regime?  Yeah, this is usually pretty difficult.  That’s where intentionality comes into play.

According to, the definition of intentional is: “done with intention or on purpose.”  In other words you must be thinking about your dream and your plan for that dream.  You have to eat, drink and breathe that dream.  Be mindful of what you envision your life to be like and make the choices everyday that will get you closer to the end result.  Don’t just sit back and let things happen to you, make decisions on purpose and take control of your life.  Are you ready to focus and be mindful every day?

INSPIRE:  This is the easy one.  The ability to inspire everyone around you is a byproduct of following your dreams; it’s as simple as that.  Of course inspiring absolutely everyone is pretty unrealistic but you will certainly find some people that will admire your pursuit and cheer you on.  This is nice bonus to planning your future and living intentionally.

Now is the time to reflect on your place in your life.  Take the time to daydream and let your mind wander.  Where are you at and where do you want to go?  What do you want to accomplish?  What places do you want to see?  What do you want to check off of your bucket list?

You only get one, don’t waste your time settling for a life set on auto pilot.  Get out there and Plan Your Future, Live Intentionally and Inspire Everyone!

One thought on “Welcome to the Plan Live Inspire Universe!”

  1. So glad we can watch you follow your dreams, hear your thoughts, and learn about your experiences here on this blog! Thank you!

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