As March 23rd was approaching we were getting pretty excited. This was our launch date to yet again hit the road and do some adventuring.  We were ready.  Being stationary in a 200 square foot space isn’t too bad if it’s just for a short while, but if you’ve had to stay put for over a year…yeah, not so much fun.  Now I’m not complaining; the life we are living is still pretty awesome, but not moving while living in a movable house just wasn’t what we had in mind when we decided to downsize our life.

I had a laundry list of projects to get done before we put some pavement behind us so I needed to get a move on it.  Little fixes, small projects, nothing too crazy.  Touch up some paint; little improvements here and there filled my list.  Installing an outdoor shower faucet, a bumper mount hitch for our bike rack and additional tail lights on the trailer were just a few.  The taillight addition was an important one.  I found that the bikes mounted on the rear of our trailer, ever so slightly, covered part of our existing tail lights with their tires.  So with safety a priority and me not interested in having to pay for a ticket….LET THERE BE LIGHT!

We even had a refresher course, so to speak, before our leave date.  Some good friends of ours graciously offered us a spot to park our trailer at their house about 20 minutes away, not only to hang out and be house guests, but to dust off the cobwebs and make sure things won’t be falling off of our rig as we roll down the road.

Our countdown continued.  Even with the events relating to the Corona Virus Pandemic headlining the news, we still had planned to be in Texas by April 1st.  Our reservation had been set for over a month.  An incredible family friendly campground was in our future and we were gonna be there, or so we thought.

As the date got closer I was actually thinking that this trip may not happen after all.  After giving it some thought and having multiple conversations with my employer, who happens to be based in Texas, I had decided that staying put for the time being was the best decision for us, and trust me, I wanted to get moving…desperately….out of California….because…the gas prices….and stuff.  As time had progressed, and more news came out, we have found that this was indeed the best decision we could have made given the circumstances.  So we shall remain…for now.

Although the decision to stay put was a reluctant one, we found that everything has worked out just fine.  Not only do I have time for more fun projects, like installing a solar panel kit, (or not so fun projects, like replacing the roof on our trailer), we also have a comfortable and safe place to stay until all this blows over…and it will.  So until then, I will be diligent about finding more things to keep me busy….like plugging away at my keyboard…and other stuff…perhaps…maybe I will go ride my bike…or play Guitar Hero…probably Guitar Hero.  Stay busy my friends.